Monday, January 4, 2010

Could it be that the red panties are working their magic?

As you all know I took a chance on New Year's Eve and wore red panties when I went to sleep. For those of you who didn't read my last post...1)welcome! and 2) why didn't you read it?......there is a superstition that if it is love/romance that you are wanting to come your way in the new year, wear red panties when you go to sleep on New Year's Eve. If it is financial prosperity that you want to come your way, then wear yellow. Not that I don't need the financial prosperity but I went for the red. Actually, they were a gift form a couple of friends who only want the best for me so they gave me some fancy schmancy ones. I wore them proudly.

Now it is 4 days into the new year and unfortunately, I had to go back to work today after 10 days off. Like I's not that I don't need financial prosperity. Given the extreme cold us South Floridians are currently enjoying, I was able to pull out some winter clothes I don't normally have the opportunity to wear. Also thanks to the cold, there's no humidity so it was a very good hair day. I was looking way cute if I do say so myself.

For those of you who remember my saga with Jeepman this will be especially funny to you. As I was getting out of my car, he pulled into the space right next to me and almost ran from his Jeep to the door. Didn't even push the door extra hard so it stayed open for me much less hold it. He knew I was right behind them. I had on high heeled boots! They make noise, aside from the fact that he freakin saw me. Not even a polite nod or smile or simple hello. So rude, immature and definitely uncalled for. Seriously dude, I don't want you and haven't in a very long time and never will!!! Being polite is not going to cause me to stalk you or anything! You were banished from my kingdom a very long time ago! Be an adult about it all. Again...I will never go out with you again so have no fear of smiling my dear. Anywhoo, I laughed it off, called my sister to tell her, and moved on with my day.

It was an average day work wise. I was in a really good mood for some reason. Not normal for me at work. I got a very nice compliment from a guy friend of mine...who coincidentally works with Jeepman. The compliment definitely made me smile. Come on ladies, we all know that a sincere compliment can brighten our day. Then, I went to the gym and worked out with my trainer. Let's just say I am not a pro at any of this weight training stuff. I get tired, things get really heavy, I'm a sweaty mess but that's all part of the process to improve the body both inside and out. After it was all done and I was sent off to the treadmill to do my cardio I noticed a cutie running on the treadmill next to me....only he was watching me! Me! Sweaty, praying not to die in the gym, me! Woo-hoo! Go me! If he likes what he saw tonight, trust me, it only gets better after a shower and some shampoo...and make up....and cute shoes.

Could it be that the tides are turning? Could it be that the red panties of NYE are working their magic? I know, attitude is everything but if I choose to believe in the power of the red panties, who am I hurting? Stay tuned for future updates!

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