Saturday, December 19, 2009

What an interesting night last night.....

I had no intentions of going anywhere last night. I was in my jammies, had just finished watching the movie "Julia & Julie" (really good movie by the way) when I got the text from my friend...."we're at the pub, come join us". It was midnight. I thought about it for a bit. I was wide awake, didn't have to be up early in the morning and spent the entire day shopping so I felt like I needed a reward. OK, so it was really more that I was wide awake and my friends were out having fun. So, off to the pub I went. It's a pub we go to on a regular basis and know everyone who works there so I was OK with showing up alone. Just so you know, my nights out do not normally start at midnight!

Got there and said hello to all of my friends and even met a few new people. I mentioned to one man I was chatting with that I was on the couch and in my jammies up until the infamous text and his response was that usually the nights when you didn't plan on being out wind up being the most fun and the most interesting. I had to agree however, at that point I had no idea just what my night would be like. Don't get nervous, it wasn't anything bad.

Later in the night I was talking with one of the bartenders and out of nowhere he said something about taking me out on a date. I was so caught off guard that I made him say it again just to make sure I heard correctly. I did. Now I know what you are thinking....a bartender, seriously? It's not that kind of place though and this bartender is the one that keeps everyone else in line. He's not someone I ever considered for the purposes of dating. No real reason why not though. I just never thought of him like that. There's no OMG physical attraction but he's also not a troll living under a bridge either. He's always been super nice to me and always compliments me when I walk in.

So, after this conversation took place and he left me standing there in total shock, I started to think about it. I've been going out with hot guy after hot guy and it doesn't normally work out much more than a few dates. Maybe it's time my strategy changes. I mean, isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Maybe it's time to go out with someone simply because he is so nice to me and makes me laugh. A very wise man once said "In the end don't you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh?". Just in case you are wondering, the wise man was Mr. Big in an episode of Sex and the City.

I said yes to the invite and gave him my number. What started as a very low key movie night at home ended at 3:30 a.m. and I apparently have a date this week at some point. Not at all what I expected for my night but a very interesting night indeed.

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