Friday, December 18, 2009

Why Did I Start This?


That's probably not the best opening ever but I'm ok with that. I'm sitting here wondering why exactly I started this blog. Was it the rainy day that made me a bit nutsy? Was it the stress of the holiday season and all of the shopping/shipping/decorating that I have to have done by say last week? Was it the glass of wine I had with dinner? Who knows. Does it really matter? I write articles for local magazines about my life as a single professional woman living in South Florida and it hit me that pretty much my thoughts and experiences really are not all that unique to just myself. I don't mean that we are all drones just drudging our way through life. Each one of us has specific experiences and of course thoughts and feelings but more that all of us singletons share certain basic thoughts and feelings and why not chat about them?

I'm sure you are wondering who exactly it is that you are talking with. Let me give you some basic background on myself. Let's just say I'm thirtysomething, and live in South Florida. Yes, I'm blonde and I do all of the typical South Florida girl things....I love the beach, I work out, I shop and I have a shoe habit. I also work full time at a major international company and write for local magazines on the side. Here's what makes me a bit unique....I love football. I bleed teal and orange. Yes, I'm a Miami Dolphins fan. I live and breathe football. Not the girl who thinks it's cute to fake an interest to get a guy but the girl who screams louder and knows more stats than most guys. It's a family thing. We are all like that. My cousin even scheduled the birth of her last child around the Dolphins schedule.

What makes me an expert on dating? Absolutely nothing. I don't know any more than you do. I'm only willing to fill you in on my day to day happenings so you will see that you are not alone. I have good days and I have days when I'm ready to choke someone and the soda machine refuses to take my money so all of my co-workers hide under their desks (last Wednesday). I have been in relationships. 3 serious ones to be exact. The first lasted 6 years, the second lasted 3 1/2 and the third lasted a the day. So, I'm figuring that when I meet Mr. The One, it's going to be a whirlwind romance and I'm ok with that. Looking forward to it.

I've dated everything from the perfect guy that I just didn't have any interest in to the guy who was unbeknownst to me finishing a 5 year jail sentence at the time of our date. I've run in my high heels to get away from a bad date and stared at my phone for days hoping a phenomenal date would call. Join me in my ups and downs of life in the single lane. Feel free to share your own stories. Raise your martini glasses ladies! We are fabulous.

Look forward to laughing with you!!!

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