Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is the weekend really over already????

Hello Singletons. It's Sunday night, I hope that you had a fabulous weekend. Mine wasn't too bad, thanks for asking. Got to spend time with good friends, kids (one of which is my godson), family and celebrate a friend's upcoming birth of twins. Yep, it was an action packed weekend. Not much of a man weekend but that was ok.

Dinner last night with my friend, Sylvia, was good for some laughs. We had a parade of random men coming to our table to talk to us about basically nothing. It all started with our waiter. He was very nice and very chatty. He did have an excellent suggestion on an upgraded margarita. Thanks to him for that. However, he also kept coming back to ask how it was and have 10 minute conversations about them. Thought it was a bit odd but we rolled with it. He was nice. Then there was the guy that brought out our food and then asked me if I would mind if he came back in a few minutes to ask me what it tasted like. Uuummm....ok. This one sent Sylvia into a laughing fit. I swear she almost spit out her margarita (btw...thanks for not doing that). When he walked away her comment was "never a dull moment with you around, is it?". It was a strange evening. Did I mention the cutie who was sitting at the table behind us and seemed mesmerized staring at me but never said a word?

It was a good night out and we laughed....a lot...and I must highly recommend the Presidente Margarita at Chili's. However, it did just kind of reinforce the fact that I attract a strange breed of men. They were all very nice but each a bit on the odd side. While I can say with confidence that not one was the man the red panties are going to bring me, the attention was kind of nice and definitely gave us something to laugh at. Hmmm....maybe I need to move to Plantation and give the red panties a helping hand.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

So maybe he wasn't the one the red panties are going to bring me..

Hello all! I know it's been quite some time since I've written and I apologize. See, I promised a friend of mine that I wouldn't write about a certain man that was temporarily in my life. However...he's gone so gloves off so to speak!

We will just call him Mr. Second Time Around. Yep, he's the one from Valentine's Day. Had a great 12 hour date and then poof! He was gone. Haven't seen him since and hear from him sporadically. I was really hurt and very depressed over it until I took a look back and realized....this is kinda the same thing that happened the last time we dated! I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's a pattern of his. Then I went through all of the usual...anger, hurt, exercising like crazy to take my mind off of it, called all my friends and bitched up a storm. You know the routine. We've all done it. Now I'm at the point where I say....not much for me to do about it so on to the next one? Anyone want to submit an application? The job is open.

So, while I have friends who are more than open to the second time around relationship but I've come to the conclusion that while I believe that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance, maybe the second time around relationship may not be for me. I still believe in the power of the red panties and I've still got three quarters of the year left so again....feel free to apply if you think the position is for you! Looking for Mr. Red!