Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ladies...have you got your red or yellow panties ready?

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. There's a superstition out there that says that if it's love/romance that a woman wants to come her way that she should wear red panties when you go to sleep on New Year's Eve and if it's financial prosperity that she is looking for to wear yellow. Yes, I know, it's a superstition...or is this considered an old wives's tale? Regardless, it's worth a try.

New Year's Eve is full of hopes of basically giving yourself a do-over. This isn't always such a bad thing. Think back to all of the not-so-bright dating decisions you may have made in the last year. Wipe the slate clean and give yourself a huge do-over. Want to get in shape? Join a gym and give yourself a do-over! Want to stop smoking? Time for a do-over on the not being able to quit a bad habit thing.

I already started. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week as it is so starting a fitness routine isn't a resolution that I can make. However, I did sign up for another round of sessions with my favorite personal trainer. I think I look great but I also know that I can look and feel better. So, come Monday I will be in extreme pain and wondering why I do this to myself and loving every minute of it. Where exactly is it that I started on the do-over then? Remember Randy the Lilliputian from last night? Well, I was hit on at the gym by a guy that I swear was his clone. I quickly and politely turned him down. Sorry but I did my time with guys like that and it never ever works out so time to try something new. And no, it wasn't the height that made me turn him down it was the attitude. Think "Jersey Shore" transplanted to South Florida for the winter. No thanks.

So Ladies.....what is it that you are looking for in the new year? Set yourself some realistic goals and don't call them resolutions. That's just giving yourself permission to break them. One of my big goals for next year is to get my book published and/or to be published in a national mag. In the meantime, I'll be wearing my pretty red panties when I go to sleep tomorrow night. What color will you be wearing?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lessons learned over burgers.....

I went and had dinner tonight with two friends, Patti and Amy. It was $1 burger night at Bar Louie and it really can't be missed. Patti and I know each other through a common person who shall remain nameless. Actually, his name in my world and to those closest to me is csl w/ nb. He's an ex and Patti's hubby is his bff. Amy and I have known each other for a couple of years now. I met her through a chain of coincidences. The night started out as any dinner out would. Small talk which leads to more in depth conversation, appetizer, food, laughs, etc. Patti and Amy got along fine and since I'm friends with both it all worked out great for me. At one point, both Amy and I went to the restroom and poor Patti was left alone.

This is where the night gets bizarre. When we came back from the restroom, Patti was being hit on by a very odd guy. His name was Randy, he was a Lilliputian and apparently had been out drinking for quite some time before coming to Bar Louie...and he liked Patti. We all were very quick to point out that Patti was very happily married so he was wasting his time. Amy and I are both single but he wasn't interested in either of us. Woo-hoo! No matter what we did, Randy would not get out of Patti's personal space. Amy and I did all we could to distract him but to no avail. You would not believe the stories and lies Ames told him and he bought them all. Seriously dude...back off! His friend, Ryan, even tried to get him to back off. Finally he convinced him that in order for him to get another drink he had to leave our table and go back to the bar.

So, gentlemen.....what's to be learned from this experience? First of all...if you are the nice guy in the bunch, we will chat with you and will enjoy it but yes, you will be judged by the company you keep. I know, shallow but whatever, it's a reality. Just ask Ryan. We had a good time chatting with him but given that he was attached to the drunk close talker, we didn't want to continue talking to him. Another thing to learn from this may be that if you are drunk, step away from the strangers! Those ladies over at the table do not want to talk to you. They especially do not want you to be practically on their lap. Randy there is just very lucky that Patti has a good sense of humor and is a good sport. Seriously though...when a woman tells you that she is very happily married, believe her!

Take these lessons with you into the New Year! Live and learn boys. I'm here to help.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Silly Boys....tricks are for kids

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I've spent the last 3 days sick. I've gone to work and then right home either to the couch or the bed. Couldn't go to the gym. Couldn't help out with any of the Christmas preparations with the family. Couldn't eat. Couldn't do anything. It was one heck of a diet plan but that's not exactly the right way to go about it. During all of this sick time, I've done a lot of thinking. I know that most people do their reflecting at New Year's but not me. I do it at Christmas. Makes more sense to me. Why make a bunch of resolutions that you know you aren't going to keep? Think I'm kidding? Drive by any gym right after January 1st and then again a few weeks later. You'll see what I'm talking about.

Back to my year.....It's been an interesting year in my dating world. Had some really good times and some sucky times. Let's take a moment to reflect on some of the "Seriously?!!" moments. There was a jeep. Inside that jeep was a boy. A hot boy. I took a chance and left a note. Jeep boy responded to the note. Had about 4 or 5 dates and really connected and poof!!! He was gone. Totally changed personalities. To this day nobody can figure out why he hates me so much out and why it came out of nowhere. At this point it's just funny and on ongoing inside joke among my friends. Suffice it to say, boy has issues. Uses his job as an excuse for everything. That brings me to another stand out date of the past year. I went out with jeep boy's co-worker. Funny how they work on the same projects yet his friend has time for a social life. Like I said..issues. Anywhoo...went to a hockey game with his co-worker and had a great time! Seriously, the best date all year long. We had so much fun! Then a week or so later he hung out with my friends. Another friend had a chit chat with him and he took it as pressure. She told me what she said and even though he told me that he ignores everything other people say and makes up his own mind, he pulled a disappearing act too. Again...Seriously??!! Ok. Live and learn. On the low side of the dating year, there was the ex-boyfriend who out of nowhere started emailing me and invited me to go to the Keys with him while his wife and child were out of town. No! I didn't go!! I refuse to get involved in anyone's drama. His wife still felt the need to come after me and call me "the other woman" even though I haven't seen my ex in years! I finally told her to leave me alone or I would get a restraining order.

Here's a freebie tip to men out the day of instant technology, don't try to hide anything from a girl. We will find out. Guaranteed. Most specifically, get rid of your girlfriend/wife before dating someone else. Really! When you are in a relationship, that means you are with that one person. That's it.While we are on that topic, watch what you put on Facebook because we will see it. If you are single, you put single for your status. You do not put married, in a relationship or it's complicated. If it's complicated, why do you think I want to be involved? Do not have your profile pic be of you and your girlfriend and then try to say you don't have one. Or do, it does make our lives easier.

I know that there is a common misconception that a single person's life is carefree, we have nothing to worry about and an abundance of extra funds in the bank. That our lives are a non-stop party. Not true. Especially with the finances. The bills are all ours. No second income to fall back on if there's just one person living in the house. This year also had some sad moments that had to be faced. My uncle died a few days before Father's Day. My mom's uncle is dying as I write this. My best friend's brother-in-law died earlier this year. That one was especially hard to take. I've known him since high school and he was only a year older than me. It was very tragic. Situations like those teach you just how fragile life is and that we must appreciate each and every moment that we get.

So, 2009 was year full of interesting situations, sad times, "did that just happen" moments, laughs, tears, fights and fun. I'm looking forward to 2010 and hoping that the universe gives me the chance for a big huge do over! Hug your family and remember that friends are the family that you get to choose.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's almost Christmas!

OMG...Christmas is only a few days away. Yes, I'm done shopping. No, I'm not done wrapping gifts and no, I haven't mailed gifts yet to out of town family members. It's ok though...they are used to it and they haven't mailed their gifts to me either. As I sit here after spending the day with family watching football (my favorite Sunday activity) I realized the reason behind my current funk that I've been in. Fact is that I miss my Dad.

Christmas is all about spending time with friends and family and I've definitely been doing as much of that as possible. I'm very close to my family and have a great group of friends. Nothing will ever begin to fill the void that was created the day my Dad died though. This isn't my first Christmas without him. Actually, it's my 17th. Doesn't make me miss him any less. This year is also my cousin's first Christmas without her Dad. My uncle died a few days before Father's Day this year. I know what she's going through. Maybe that's why we spend so much time together. We do take care of each other when we get sad.

Actress Brittany Murphy died earlier today. It's a shock to everyone. All of the articles have spoken about her films and the legacy she leaves behind. My first thought was of her mother. No mother should ever have to face finding their child dead. My second thought was that this is such a horrible time of year to loose someone you love. Holidays are all about happiness and celebration. Her family and friends are going through incredible pain instead. That's more than anyone should have to deal with. My prayers go out to them.

So, as I sit her and look at my Christmas tree, I can remember almost every story behind almost every ornament. It makes me feel good to have such memories. I will spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family and I will hold them close. We have a 2 year old in the family so it will definitely be a lot of fun. I will also say a prayer for families like Brittany Murphy's. I also ask that you all say a prayer for the families of soldiers who are serving overseas. For every full holiday dinner table out there, there will be ones with an empty chair because those men and women are brave enough to leave their families to fight for our freedoms.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

What an interesting night last night.....

I had no intentions of going anywhere last night. I was in my jammies, had just finished watching the movie "Julia & Julie" (really good movie by the way) when I got the text from my friend...."we're at the pub, come join us". It was midnight. I thought about it for a bit. I was wide awake, didn't have to be up early in the morning and spent the entire day shopping so I felt like I needed a reward. OK, so it was really more that I was wide awake and my friends were out having fun. So, off to the pub I went. It's a pub we go to on a regular basis and know everyone who works there so I was OK with showing up alone. Just so you know, my nights out do not normally start at midnight!

Got there and said hello to all of my friends and even met a few new people. I mentioned to one man I was chatting with that I was on the couch and in my jammies up until the infamous text and his response was that usually the nights when you didn't plan on being out wind up being the most fun and the most interesting. I had to agree however, at that point I had no idea just what my night would be like. Don't get nervous, it wasn't anything bad.

Later in the night I was talking with one of the bartenders and out of nowhere he said something about taking me out on a date. I was so caught off guard that I made him say it again just to make sure I heard correctly. I did. Now I know what you are thinking....a bartender, seriously? It's not that kind of place though and this bartender is the one that keeps everyone else in line. He's not someone I ever considered for the purposes of dating. No real reason why not though. I just never thought of him like that. There's no OMG physical attraction but he's also not a troll living under a bridge either. He's always been super nice to me and always compliments me when I walk in.

So, after this conversation took place and he left me standing there in total shock, I started to think about it. I've been going out with hot guy after hot guy and it doesn't normally work out much more than a few dates. Maybe it's time my strategy changes. I mean, isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Maybe it's time to go out with someone simply because he is so nice to me and makes me laugh. A very wise man once said "In the end don't you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh?". Just in case you are wondering, the wise man was Mr. Big in an episode of Sex and the City.

I said yes to the invite and gave him my number. What started as a very low key movie night at home ended at 3:30 a.m. and I apparently have a date this week at some point. Not at all what I expected for my night but a very interesting night indeed.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Why Did I Start This?


That's probably not the best opening ever but I'm ok with that. I'm sitting here wondering why exactly I started this blog. Was it the rainy day that made me a bit nutsy? Was it the stress of the holiday season and all of the shopping/shipping/decorating that I have to have done by say last week? Was it the glass of wine I had with dinner? Who knows. Does it really matter? I write articles for local magazines about my life as a single professional woman living in South Florida and it hit me that pretty much my thoughts and experiences really are not all that unique to just myself. I don't mean that we are all drones just drudging our way through life. Each one of us has specific experiences and of course thoughts and feelings but more that all of us singletons share certain basic thoughts and feelings and why not chat about them?

I'm sure you are wondering who exactly it is that you are talking with. Let me give you some basic background on myself. Let's just say I'm thirtysomething, and live in South Florida. Yes, I'm blonde and I do all of the typical South Florida girl things....I love the beach, I work out, I shop and I have a shoe habit. I also work full time at a major international company and write for local magazines on the side. Here's what makes me a bit unique....I love football. I bleed teal and orange. Yes, I'm a Miami Dolphins fan. I live and breathe football. Not the girl who thinks it's cute to fake an interest to get a guy but the girl who screams louder and knows more stats than most guys. It's a family thing. We are all like that. My cousin even scheduled the birth of her last child around the Dolphins schedule.

What makes me an expert on dating? Absolutely nothing. I don't know any more than you do. I'm only willing to fill you in on my day to day happenings so you will see that you are not alone. I have good days and I have days when I'm ready to choke someone and the soda machine refuses to take my money so all of my co-workers hide under their desks (last Wednesday). I have been in relationships. 3 serious ones to be exact. The first lasted 6 years, the second lasted 3 1/2 and the third lasted a the day. So, I'm figuring that when I meet Mr. The One, it's going to be a whirlwind romance and I'm ok with that. Looking forward to it.

I've dated everything from the perfect guy that I just didn't have any interest in to the guy who was unbeknownst to me finishing a 5 year jail sentence at the time of our date. I've run in my high heels to get away from a bad date and stared at my phone for days hoping a phenomenal date would call. Join me in my ups and downs of life in the single lane. Feel free to share your own stories. Raise your martini glasses ladies! We are fabulous.

Look forward to laughing with you!!!