Sunday, April 18, 2010

Really guys...if you are gonna lie at least make it good one!

I know, it's been a long time since I've written. Sorry about that. Few things have been going on. Most recently I organized and hosted another fundraiser for Forgotten Soldiers Outreach ( It was a rainy night and yet we had a good crowd and raised quite a bit of money. Just in case working full time, writing, hosting speed dating parties and organizing fundraisers wasn't enough to keep me busy...I'm buying a small business. Yep, the self-confessed shoe addict is buying a personalized flip flop business. I'm excited. Funky Flopz & More will be open for sales any day now.

That's not why you read my words though, I know. You want to know the dirt. I went out Friday night with a friend from high school. After dinner and margaritas we headed to Blue Martini in CityPlace. This is where the stories really got started. We had a blast drinking, dancing and yes, talking to pretty much anyone who talked to us. No reason to be rude to anyone! There are three that stood out...first was a man who was at a table with a large group of both men and women. He came over, introduced himself to me and asked me to dance. Very nice so far. Then came a very angry woman who said "Bitch, I hope you don't mind if I steal my husband back". Mind you, she watched him walk over to me, talk to me and ask me to dance yet it took that long for her to do something about it. He spent the rest of the night trying to apologize to me and telling me she was drunk and not only are they not married but not even dating. I kept politely telling him that was fabulous but way too much drama for me to get involved in. She spent the rest of the night stalking me. Seriously, my friend and I thought for sure she was going to hurt me. I even made a friend's husband who was there promise to help if she came after me. Guys, if you are going to lie, pick a better lie. That one just wasn't cool.

Memorable man #2 was about 60 years old and kept telling me how cute my friend was. I kept suggesting to him that maybe he should tell her that instead of me. He kept telling us that he was the owner of Blue Martini. He stuck with this line for so long that I finally started asking him questions about the details of running a place like that. He didn't have an answer for any of it. Then I asked him to get us drinks. I went to the bar with him, he ordered, the bartender gave him the drinks...and then gave him a bill. Now, wouldn't the owner just be able to ask and be given the drinks? Wouldn't the bartenders recognize the owner and maybe smile at him? Again...if you are going to lie, don't pick one that can so easily be shot down.

Memorable man #3 didn't lie but he still stood out. He was a very nice 25 year old Columbian guy who danced with us for quite some time. He was fun but that really was where my friend and I intended to leave it. However, as we were leaving he asked me for my phone number. Here's the thing about me, when I drink and am single, I tend to be a serial phone number giver outer. I know. Bad. I get it. We weren't back in the car 10 minutes and he was texing already. He asked us for a threesome. Yeah, you read that right. Even after he didn't get a response to that request, he still continued to text me all last night. Again, didn't get a response.

Here's the shocking part of this all. Out of all of these guys, the one that is the most memorable of them all is the one who was 20 minutes away and volunteered to come save me from crazy stalker wife. He's the one I never saw coming and yet was willing to help. Here's you bigger lesson guys....tell the truth and always be honest. There may be a woman out there who never saw you entering her world but is pleasantly surprised that did.

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