Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Silly Boys....tricks are for kids

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I've spent the last 3 days sick. I've gone to work and then right home either to the couch or the bed. Couldn't go to the gym. Couldn't help out with any of the Christmas preparations with the family. Couldn't eat. Couldn't do anything. It was one heck of a diet plan but that's not exactly the right way to go about it. During all of this sick time, I've done a lot of thinking. I know that most people do their reflecting at New Year's but not me. I do it at Christmas. Makes more sense to me. Why make a bunch of resolutions that you know you aren't going to keep? Think I'm kidding? Drive by any gym right after January 1st and then again a few weeks later. You'll see what I'm talking about.

Back to my year.....It's been an interesting year in my dating world. Had some really good times and some sucky times. Let's take a moment to reflect on some of the "Seriously?!!" moments. There was a jeep. Inside that jeep was a boy. A hot boy. I took a chance and left a note. Jeep boy responded to the note. Had about 4 or 5 dates and really connected and poof!!! He was gone. Totally changed personalities. To this day nobody can figure out why he hates me so much out and why it came out of nowhere. At this point it's just funny and on ongoing inside joke among my friends. Suffice it to say, boy has issues. Uses his job as an excuse for everything. That brings me to another stand out date of the past year. I went out with jeep boy's co-worker. Funny how they work on the same projects yet his friend has time for a social life. Like I said..issues. Anywhoo...went to a hockey game with his co-worker and had a great time! Seriously, the best date all year long. We had so much fun! Then a week or so later he hung out with my friends. Another friend had a chit chat with him and he took it as pressure. She told me what she said and even though he told me that he ignores everything other people say and makes up his own mind, he pulled a disappearing act too. Again...Seriously??!! Ok. Live and learn. On the low side of the dating year, there was the ex-boyfriend who out of nowhere started emailing me and invited me to go to the Keys with him while his wife and child were out of town. No! I didn't go!! I refuse to get involved in anyone's drama. His wife still felt the need to come after me and call me "the other woman" even though I haven't seen my ex in years! I finally told her to leave me alone or I would get a restraining order.

Here's a freebie tip to men out the day of instant technology, don't try to hide anything from a girl. We will find out. Guaranteed. Most specifically, get rid of your girlfriend/wife before dating someone else. Really! When you are in a relationship, that means you are with that one person. That's it.While we are on that topic, watch what you put on Facebook because we will see it. If you are single, you put single for your status. You do not put married, in a relationship or it's complicated. If it's complicated, why do you think I want to be involved? Do not have your profile pic be of you and your girlfriend and then try to say you don't have one. Or do, it does make our lives easier.

I know that there is a common misconception that a single person's life is carefree, we have nothing to worry about and an abundance of extra funds in the bank. That our lives are a non-stop party. Not true. Especially with the finances. The bills are all ours. No second income to fall back on if there's just one person living in the house. This year also had some sad moments that had to be faced. My uncle died a few days before Father's Day. My mom's uncle is dying as I write this. My best friend's brother-in-law died earlier this year. That one was especially hard to take. I've known him since high school and he was only a year older than me. It was very tragic. Situations like those teach you just how fragile life is and that we must appreciate each and every moment that we get.

So, 2009 was year full of interesting situations, sad times, "did that just happen" moments, laughs, tears, fights and fun. I'm looking forward to 2010 and hoping that the universe gives me the chance for a big huge do over! Hug your family and remember that friends are the family that you get to choose.

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