Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Yes, he put a ring on it!

Yes, boys and girls, Mr. 2g2bt put a ring on it. As I said in my last post we had already decided that we were going to get married but we didn't have an actual plan for it yet except that it would be sometime next year. We talked about next fall. Well, last week for 3 days he started singing the "I know something you don't know" song. No,'s an actual song and he even had a dance for it. Actually, 2 dances for it. Al lhe would tell me is that it was something I was going to love. 3 days I had to hear text, in person, in the morning, in the night, you name it. I kept listening to everything he said very closely. He mentioned that he would tell me the information on Friday evening. Ok, so it's info, not an object. That narrows it down a bit. Maybe we were going out of town? Maybe he got tickets to the Dolphins game? He knows I want to go to one before baby gets here. Maybe he has info about us moving? Who knows! My mind was working overtime coming up with scenarios. Then Friday night came. I went to a fundraiser meeting and when I got home as soon as I walked in the door I heard the song "I know something you don't know, I know something you don't know" over and over again. I get to the table where he's sitting and there are flowers and a note telling me that the something he knows is in the bathroom. Ok, this works out well since I had a very large iced tea at the meeting and at 6 months pregnant the bathroom is somewhere I frequent a lot. So, I go into the bathroom and there's another note sending me to the other bathroom. As you guessed it, there I found another note. This one telling me that it is behind the laundry room door. Ugh! Now it was killing me...and I stil had to pee. Then the note in the laundry room said to look under my pillow. Ok, this has to be where I'll find my surprise. Nope, that note said that my surprise was back where I started by my flowers and I must not have seen it there when I started. So, I go back to the table and now instead of the orignal note, there's a very pretty box under my flowers and Mr. 2g2bt has a huge grin. I opened the box and there was my ring. My very sparkly pretty ring. No, it's not celebrity size, print in the tabloids ring but it's mine. The best part? He actually took it from me, got on one knee and asked me to marry him. After all of the non-traditional things we've done, he actually got on one knee and asked. I cried a little but I think I did a good job of covering that. So, now it's official. We are engaged. Wait, we were before too. Ok, so now I have something very sparkly to look at every day that tells the world we are engaged. Something that makes me smile everytime I see it because he took the time to pick it out, go buy it, create a scavenger hunt for me and he got on one knee all because he loves me. Yep, me...Miss Cynical about relationships just said all of that. Told you he was Mr. 2g2bt. Told you this journey was far from over. I'm in it and I'm still being surprised. Even I have no idea what to expect next. Well, one thing I do know for sure, there's a smaller version of the two of us cooking away and I decided I am going to go get a pedicure one of these days. Maybe next Friday, seems like a worthy day. Ok, so I guess there's 2 things I know for sure to expect. Once again, the moral of this story? Do not forget about the boy you meet at age 4 while you are playing t-ball and always go to your high school reunion. You just have no idea where it can take your life. Thanks again for that, Tricia. You rock! I guess I'm technically not a singleton but you know that I am always going to be one of the original singletons so ladies (and gentlemen) raise your martini glasses and until at least January, have an extra one for me! Stay tuned....who knows what will happen next!

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